ST:TAS; Quills; Police A-Caddied-Me; Immigration Forever
Several things:
- Looking forward to the release of Star Trek: The Animated Series on DVD.
- The Quill Award nominees were announced almost a week ago. I hate to be discouraging, but there have only been two edits to the Quills' Wikipedia page since June, and one of those was by a robot. When you put out a list of books (actually, a list of anything) and you can't get Wikipedians to jump on it, there might be a slight problem.
- Make sure to get any cracked car windows taken care of if you're planning on going to Baltimore anytime soon.
- Reason Magazine cover stor(y)(ies): Immigration Now, Immigration Tomorrow, Immigration Forever. Fine with me; We need people in this country that know how to work hard and don't bitch all the time about everything.
Scary! About the Caddie, I mean.
The Quills? Who cares?
It's pretty bad if I'm not going to bother to vote.
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