Saturday, July 26, 2008

Siskel & Ebert reviews of great 80s and 90s films

Googling about the last post, I came across these postings of Siskel & Ebert reviews. All of these ae now known to be modern classics, but what did the guys think at the time? Awesome!

Reservoir Dogs:

Pulp Fiction:

Full Metal Jacket:


Fargo (Ebert fell for the "true story" thing.):

Silence of the Lambs (Siskel hated it!):

Terminator 2:

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Tarantino's Mind

A lot of these theories and ties and observations have been floating around for quite some time (to say the least) but check out this Brazilian short film about two film geeks discussing the ties within the Tarantinoverse.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Two fun neologisms about Senator Obama

(BTW, I've decided to experiment with using lower case more in my post titles than I had previously.)

  1. Obamacon n. A conservative voter who supports Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Also: obama-con. [Shortening of Obama conservative.]
  2. Baracknophobia n. Negative feelings about U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, particularly those based on racism or unfounded rumors. [cf. arachnophobia.]

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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Monsters of Rock are gonna tear your heads off!

Great interview with Van Halen and AC/DC from when they were about to play a festival in the U.K. in 1984!

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URGENT! If you only watch/listen to ONE of the mashups I posted today, make it this one!

Sgt. Pepper's Paradise City

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Galvanize the Empire

The non-John Williams music is The Chemical Brothers.

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Things from around:
  • I spent a number of years working in the mental health field. However, I never bumped into any clients who were mathematicians who specialized in prime numbers, as Mental Nurse did.
  • Some fun geeky gadget sites: Technabob, Geekologie, Geekalerts.
  • Sweet Home Country Grammar -- Nelly + Skynyrd:

  • Did I post this before? Jay-Z and Neunundneunzig Luftballoonen?

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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Great movie collage

Huge collage of the history of film. Original link here.

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