Monday, May 25, 2009
NOTM Hall of
Fame and Shame
Fame and Shame
- Arts & Letters Daily
- Boing Boing
- 2 Blowhards
- Radosh
- Jason Kottke
- Lileks
- Milt Rosenberg
- The Panopticist
- Crooked Timber
- Random Abstract
- The Cool Hunter
- Neatorama
- 10 Zen Monkeys
- Linkfilter
- Metafilter
- Fark
- C-Span
- Christopher Hitchens
- Ref Desk
- Wonkette
- Assignment Editor
- Capitol Strategy
- Andrew Sullivan
- About Politics
- American Presidents Blog
- Eric Zorn
- Freakonomics
- The Moderate Voice
- Minipundit
- Defense Tech Blog
- Lawrence Kudlow
- Thomas Jefferson's LiveJournal (Defunct since 2006.)
- The Carnival of Bad History (Defunct since 2007.)
- Slate
- Chicago Tribune
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- Marginal Revolution
- Ambivablog
- SSMW: I Need a Life!
- Word Munger
- Diary of a Fired Flight Attendant
- Starbucks Everywhere
- The Communicatrix
- The Glenn-Bizzle Web-Lizzle
- Lindsay Robertson
- Suburban Guerilla
- Chicago Bloggers
- Majikthise
- Sophistpundit
- Mamie Van Doren
- The Glittering Eye
- Shakespeare's Sister
- Akkam's Razor
- Mimi Smartypants
- Mental Nurse
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Blogosphere
- Wackapedia (on hiatus -- instead, see FanDumb)
- Bella Rossa
- Language Games and Miscellaneous Arbitrary Marks
- The Private Intellectual
- Today in Alternate History
- Searchblog
- Lydia Cornell
- Diablo Cody
- Ken Jennings
- Maud Newton
- Rebecca's Pocket
- Prentiss Riddle
- Rebecca MacKinnon
- Glenn Greenwald
- Jon Swift
- Jahsonic
- Violet Blue
- Luis Villa
- Dispatches From Probability Beach
- Planck's Constant
- Instapundit
- The Volokh Conspiracy
- Geeky Mom
- Ann Althouse
- Daniel Drezner
- Unlocked Wordhoard
- Adventures in Ethics and Science (Old)
- Adventures in Ethics and Science (New)
- Becker-Posner
- Bitch, Ph.D.
- This Blog Sits at the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics
- Crispin Sartwell
- Erin O'Connor
- Siva Vaidhyanathan
- Brad DeLong
- Michael Bérubé
- Digital Ethnography
- Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology
- Tinkerty Tonk
- Foxy Librarian
- Jessamyn West
- Tiny Little Librarian
- Unshelved Blog
- Library Chronicles
- Batgirl Was a Librarian
- Librarian Avengers
- Law Librarian Blog
- The Invisible Library
- LJ Tech Blog
- Library Bitch
- History of Libraries
- 025.431: The Dewey Blog
- Annoyed Librarian
- Lipstick Librarian
- Reference Points
- Virginia Postrel (The Dynamist)
- Cato Institute
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Jacqueline Mackey Paisley Passey
- Rachel Mills
- Fearless Philosophy for Free Minds
- Reason Magazine
- VodkaPundit
- QandO
- Asymmetrical Information
- The Agitator
- Girl in Short Shorts
- The Word Spy
- The Apostrophe Protection Society
- Mother Tongue Annoyances
- Word Wizard
- Logic and Language
- The Complete Newspeak Dictionary
- Take Our Word For It
- Bill Walsh/The Slot
- The Linguist List
- Language Hat
- Language Log
- Polyglot Conspiracy
- Answer Girl
- Words at Work
- Blog of Unnecessary Quotation Marks
- Movie Review Query Engine
- Film Fanatic (Danny Peary Fan Page)
- Perfectly Cromulent
- Flick Philosopher
- Kevin Smith's Diary
- Everything Tarantino
- Errol Morris
- Maysles Associates
- Spinal Tap Fan
- Twitch
- Roger Ebert
- Hollywood Jesus
- FilmSite
- Senses of Cinema
- Bright Lights Film Journal
- Pimpadelic Wonderland
- Cashiers du Cinemart
- Pullquote
- Facets Blog
- This Blog Is Not Yet Rated
- Philosophical Films
- Reel Fanatic
- Mudflap Cafe
- Smokin' Joe Carnahan
- Rick Trembles' Motion Picture Purgatory Archives
- Dodge the Kills
- Geek Philosophy
- Listology
- Yes But No But Yes
- Acid Logic
- PopCult Magazine
- Snakes on a Blog
- Onion AV Club Blog
- TV With MeeVee
- I Only Read It for the Blogposts
- Plaid Stallions
- Bedazzled
- The Website at the End of the Universe
- The Groovy Age of Horror
- Planet Swank (Defunct, but still has good links.)
- Good Shit
- PopMatters
- Off-World: The Blade Runner Wiki
- Memory Alpha
- Peanuts Gang Wiki
- Tomb It May Concern
- South Park Studios
- Bear Alley
- Nerdcore (in German)
- Zombie Survival & Defense Wiki
- Cinerati
- Monitor Duty
- The Shelf
- Shouting Into the Wind
- Pererro
- DISContent
- Gone Hollywood
- The Ziggurat of Doom
- Hungry Ghost
- Reviews of Books
- The Institute for the Future of the Book
- Bookslut Blog
- Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind
- Today in Literature
- Brit Lit Blogs
- Umberto Eco Resources
- Ex Libris Reviews
- Sherlock Holmes on the Net
- Books & Culture Magazine
- (Slightly Old) Stanley Crouch links
- (Slightly Old) Camille Paglia links
- The Diary of Samuel Pepys
- London Review of Books
- 3:AM Buzzwords
- The Complete Review
- Spike Magazine
- n+1 magazine
- Susan Wise Bauer
- A Work in Progress
- Frank Wilson / Books, Inq.
- Emdashes
- Bookgasm
- The Intellectual Devotional
- Encyclopedia Britannica Blog
- William Gibson
- Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library
- Philosoraptor
- Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
- Ask Philosophers
- Maverick Philosopher
- The Radical Academy
- Philosophy Talk: The Blog
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Science and Motion
- The Secular Outpost
- Action Philosophers
- Charles and Ray Eames
- M.C. Escher
- Edward Gorey
- Al Hirschfeld
- American Art Archives
- Paul Giambarba
- Your Daily Art
- Mike Wilks
- Art Boobs
- Dr. Sketchy
- Peter Berdovsky (Zebbler)
- Cover Browser
- Drawn!
- We Blog Cartoons
- Dresden Codak
- Thinkin' Lincoln
- The Devil's Panties
- Shorpy: The 100-Year-Old Photo Blog
- Wicked Crispy
- Alan Lomax
- David Byrne's non-blog
- Moby
- Alex Ross (The Music Critic, not the Illustrator)
- Thomas Dolby
- Roger McGuinn
- Daniel Johnston
- You Ain't No Picasso
- Banned Music
- Mashuptown
- DJ Earworm
- Tune Your World / Calabash Music Blog
- Zeon's Music Blog
- The Symphony: An Interactive Guide
- Silver Age Marvel Comics Archive
- Unofficial History of the DC Universe
- Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics
- Neil Gaiman
- Alex Ross (The Illustrator, not the Music Critic)
- Alan Moore Fan Site
- Super Friends
- Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
- Wizard Universe
- Meet the New Boss: Same As the Old Boss
- Dead Guy: The Cartoon
- Wondermark: An Illustrated Jocularity
- Scott Adams / Dilbert
- Warren Ellis
- xkcd
- Basic Instructions
- Brian Fies
- SciTech Daily
- Anousheh Ansari's Space Blog
- First Science
- Science and Politics
- James Randi Educational Foundation
- Quackwatch
- What's Special About This Number?
- Simon Singh
- Math Puzzle
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Data Mining
- Wolfram MathWorld
- Search Engine Watch
- Search Engine Land
- Annalee Newitz
- Techyum
- David Weinberger
- The Long Tail
- Technology Review
- The Speculist
- Micro Persuasion
- John Battelle's SearchBlog
- FutureWire
- Modern Mechanix
- Tech Central Station
- Xooglers
- Technorati
- 43 Folders
- Steven 'EBIGFY' Johnson
- Steve 'Tribune Internet Critic' Johnson
- Elizabeth Castro
- Kevin Kelly
- TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
- J.D. Lasica
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Marc Andreessen
- Doc Searls
- Lawrence Lessig
- Ross Mayfield
- Slashdot
- Google Earth Blog
- She's Such a Geek
- Guardian Unlimited Technology Blog
- Web Monkey HTML Cheat Sheet
- Google Operating System: Unofficial News and Tips About Google
- Geekgirl’s Plain-English Computing
- TechCrunch
- Wikipedia Blog
- Wikipedia Scanner
- My Wikipedia Edits (KC on Wiki)
- Wikinomics blog
- Wiki World (Greg Williams)
- Chocolate and Vodka
- Grow Your Wiki (Stuart Mader)
- Wikipedia Weekly podcasts
- Google Tech Taks
- danah boyd
- Hossein Derakhshan (Editor: Myself)
- Baghdad Burning
- Free Thoughts From Iran
- All Africa
- Turkish Press
- The Hindu
- The Japan Times
- Middle East Media Research Institute
- Der Spiegel
- Mazen Kerbaj
- Snopes
- The Memory Hole
- Maddox
- Create your own South Park Character
- Netflix
- Wikipedia
- Sirius Radio
- YouTube
- Daily Motion
- Unclutterer
- Dull Men's Club
- Online Video Guide
- Last Gasp
- Think Geek
- Unemployed Philosophers Guild
- Hulu
Back Catalog

- BBT / SBMwS mashup
- Teachable moment or GOP attack ad for 2010?
- Bonestell art on YouTube
- Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow? - Reco...
- Couldn't figure out the red noses for a minute...
- Misc. items from around the Web
- Looking forward to Green Lantern animated feature
- Started Wikipedia stub for Girl 27
- John Hodgman at Obama dinner
- Wiki Wiki Wiki!
News the Other
Eleven Months
Eleven Months
- May 2005
- June 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009

Current Terror Alert Level:

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