Saturday, July 25, 2009

BBT / SBMwS mashup

Friday, July 24, 2009

Teachable moment or GOP attack ad for 2010?

If all three of these men can manage to be humble and see things from each others' perspective, something great could happen.

(P.S. - Tell Al Sharpton and Bill O'Reilly to stay out of it.)

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bonestell art on YouTube

Related to the previous post on "Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow" - Check out this video of the art of Chesley Bonestell:

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Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow? - Recommended!

I have said before that I am a short-term pessimist but a long-term optimist. In other words, no matter what the weatherman says, I always take my raincoat to work; However, I think that North Koreans will enjoy the benefits of a free-market, liberal democracy in my lifetime. (Classical liberal, that is.) One of the pillars of that optimism is our society's (and our species's) embrace of technology.

So, let me commemorate the2 recent upcoming 40th anniversary of the first Apollo moon landing and the recent passing of the always-optimistic-about-America Walter Cronkite by strongly recommending a new graphic novel, "Whatever Happened to the World of Tomorrow?".

This is by a guy named Brian Fies, who obviously loves science fiction and comic books (you can find references to Flash/Buck Gordon/Rogers, Galactus, the cover of Batman #1, Fantastic Voyage, the ubiquity of super-powered monkeys, and 100 toy soldiers made of durable plastic, each with its own base!) He also loves technology and the oomph that we as a society feel to try new things. The New York World's Fair of 1939, Ed White's spacewalk, The Experimental Prototype Community of Tommorow, Richard Feynman's ideas about nanotechnology, and the illustrations of Chesley Bonestell all feature in the narrative.

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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Couldn't figure out the red noses for a minute...

...but didn't care!

Then I found this.

This is the sort of thing that makes this country great! (Oh, wait - They're not from this country. Whatever.)

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