Clearing Out Some Links
Here are a bunch of links (some of which my friend SSMW showed me) that have been stacking up, patiently waiting to be posted:

- Stephen King's 24 greatest rock songs ever. I have to admit, a number of these were new to me -- For instance, 'I Want to Help You Ann'' by The Lyres.
- A great wiki for the Marvel Universe.
- Free Documentaries dot org: Q: Who are you guys? A: We are just a few people that want to make a difference and thought putting all these films in one place would make a cool website and a good resource.
- "Baby Got Books" --
I like big books and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an big fat book
And glasses on her face
You're all thrilled, wanna talk to her quick
Cause you notice she's reading Dickens
- The What on Earth catalog has some fun stuff, like this voodoo doll knife set and holder.
- The Parallel Information Universe: What's out there and what it means for libraries: Regardless of type—public, academic, school, or special—libraries increasingly provide more people with improved access to a wider range of resources and services. Beyond the improved catalog, for example, electronic databases are superior to printed periodical indexes, digital reference provides expanded availability to assistance by librarians, and networked computer workstations in the library provide users with access to global multimedia resources. There's much more potential. That's the purpose of this article: to take a look at what's out there (WOT) and do a brief analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOTs) in terms of what's good, interesting, or desirable for users (including those whom we might currently label nonusers), libraries, and librarians and the implications for library and information science education.
- Looking forward to seeing "Fog City Mavericks" about the cadre of directors from the San Francisco Bay area, including George Lucas, Clint Eastwood, and Francis Ford Coppola. After I get a look at it, I am going to have to help bulk up its Wikipedia page.
- Here's where you can buy a T-shirt with a Venn Diagram that explains the vowel/consonant situation of the letter "Y."

Labels: Books, Documentaries, Libraries, Marvel, Rock Music, Technology
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